Executive Order on Strengthening and Promoting Innovation in the Nation’s Cybersecurity

Section 1.  Policy.  Adversarial countries and criminals continue to conduct cyber campaigns targeting the United States and Americans.  These campaigns disrupt the delivery of critical services across the Nation, cost billions of dollars, and undermine Americans’ security and privacy.  More must be done to improve the Nation’s cybersecurity against these threats.

Sec. 2.  Operationalizing Transparency and Security in Third-Party Software Supply Chains.  (a)  The Federal Government and our Nation’s critical infrastructure rely on software providers.  Yet insecure software remains a challenge for both providers and users and makes Federal Government and critical infrastructure systems vulnerable to malicious cyber incidents.  The Federal Government must continue to adopt secure software acquisition practices and take steps so that software providers use secure software development practices to reduce the number and severity of vulnerabilities in software they produce.

Sec. 3.  Improving the Cybersecurity of Federal Systems.  (a)  The Federal Government must adopt proven security practices from industry — to include in identity and access management — in order to improve visibility of security threats across networks and strengthen cloud security.

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